A few years ago, I read the book “DO HARD THINGS” by Alex and Brett Harris. After reading it, my desire to change the world was ignited. I knew I wanted to make a positive impact on society, specifically, I wanted to speak out against abortion, but was totally unsure of how to do it. I had pretty much given up hope on ever being able to do something about abortion in my youth…but in February of this year, things began to change.
I was talking to my friend, Olivia one afternoon, and somehow, our conversation turned to abortion. We both expressed our anger over it, and our agitation with not being able to do anything about it. Neither one of us was able to come up with any ideas on what we could do and I don’t think we would have had it no been for the intervention of God.
Around that same time, I had submitted a letter protesting abortion to our local newspaper. My letter was not published, but God did use this seemingly small event to give me an idea.
My idea was to have people of all ages send pro-life letters to their local newspapers on the same day, so that newspapers (I’m hoping all across the country) will receive theses anti-abortion letters around the same time. It’s really a simple idea, but I believe if enough people are involved, we can and will make an impact. I like to call this project “Voices of the Innocent”.
I shared my idea with Olivia and she passed the word on amongst her friends and youth group. I set up a blog and have been contacting people through emails and by leaving the link on other blogs. We’re trying to contact as many people as possible so that we can hopefully have 200 people volunteer to write the pro-life letters.
I hope that all of you would consider helping me with “Voices of the Innocent”…there are plenty of ways that you could. First, please pray…pray that God would lead people to submit letters to their local papers so that the world can see what we think of the horrific practice of abortion. We also need to be praying that God would be part of this and receive the glory for this. It’s so easy to say God is involved in something, but I want the Lord to truly be a part of this and to receive the honor for it. Second, please consider writing a letter (and if you do decide to write, please let me know). As I said earlier, we hope that at least 200 people will write letters, but I know that anything is possible with God and that if He pleases, He can and will lead more to become involved.
I realize that all the letters people send in may not get published, but I believe that we must at least try to protest against abortion. We must share the truth, despite the end results. Success is not necessary, but effort is. God does not all promise success to His servants, but He does expect us to try to change things that are wrong. Abortion certainly falls into that category, so it is our duty to do what we can to protest and eventually, end it.