Thursday, February 9, 2012

Olivia's Edited Letter

 Hey everyone,
  This is my edited letter that I am going to be sending in to USA Today.. I have a problem, however. I have about 30 words over the limit. I looked up the limit USA Today has for submitted articles, and articles with a max of 300 words has the best chance of being published. I have gone over my letter many times, and can't figure out what I can cut out, so if you have any tips for me, I would very much so appreciate it!! =) Thanks!!


  Abortion –a harsh and cruel practice accepted as the norm today-kills more than 42 million babies worldwide and 1.37 alone in the US every year.  It has become a massacre of innocent babies that are living in the womb; God created these precious children with a purpose and it is not anyone’s right to take that life. There is neither justification, nor excuse to kill a child in the womb. 
  Many women think that that baby inside them isn’t alive. This in and of itself is sad. The fact that some people actually believe this makes me angry. Think about it. If brain activity is  a sign of life, why is it that people consider a baby in the womb dead when the baby has brain activity after just a few weeks of development. 
   Hosea 12:3 says, "And he took his brother by the heel in the womb, and by his strength he had power with God." I love this verse because it clearly shows that the baby was alive in the womb.
   What strikes me is when teenage girls get unwanted pregnancies they turn to abortion because they think that they have no other choice: "I'm too young," "What will everyone think of me," "I didn't want this to happen," or "I didn't mean for this to happen." If this is the case, why did they put themselves in the position to get pregnant in the first place?
   Birth defects are often a reason for an abortion as well. How can anyone love that baby any less just because of a birth defect? He is still a human being, and is still created by God, who has a special plan and purpose for his life.
   Just remember, you have to live with the decision to kill your own baby. Before you take your child’s life, ask yourself this question: Can I live with this decision for the rest of my life?

 Written by: Olivia J. Bresnahan (16)

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